A plenary indulgence is a special gift from Christ’s Church that completely removes the temporary consequences of sins that have already been forgiven in confession. These consequences are often referred to as the temporal punishment due to sin, which is purified in purgatory. Receiving a plenary indulgence can help us or the souls in purgatory on the journey to heaven.
The Church has the authority to grant indulgences through the power given by Christ to bind and loose sins (Matthew 16:19). This authority allows the Church to share the grace of Christ’s sacrifice and the merits of the saints with the faithful. During the Jubilee Year 2025, you have a unique chance to receive this grace through pilgrimage, prayer, and fulfilling a few important steps outlined by the Church.
How to Obtain a Plenary Indulgence During the Jubilee Year 2025
The Archdiocese of Portland invites the faithful to embrace the Jubilee Year of Hope by seeking a plenary indulgence through pilgrimage and prayer. Here’s how:
Fulfill the Following Conditions
Explore the 11 pilgrimage sites in western Oregon: