Parish Youth Ministry works to help parents to empower teenagers to live as a disciple of Christ. The goal of all parish efforts is that all young people would know the person of Jesus and grow with one another in deepening our relationship with Him.
Parishioners may have heard the comment, “the youth are not just the Church of tomorrow – they are the Church of today!” The fact is that it is up to parents to help make that statement true.
If we are not advocating for young people, then they are lost in the Church today, and if we are not teaching them to be leaders, they will be lost in the Church of tomorrow. Let's begin today.
Parish Youth Ministry is designed to solicit a discipleship response in your teen, to stir up a desire to live for Jesus Christ as He lived and died for us.
What a fantastic opportunity parents have to foster teens into an ongoing relationship with Christ! Our example in continually developing and living out our Catholic faith will help each teen to continue to grow in love with our God.
We encourage every parent to share with their teen... Over shared dinners, rides in the car, or conversations while shutting down for the night, pray with your child for the continued blessings of this weekend to bear ongoing fruit in your child, in you, in your family, and in the world.